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This property is privately owned. While visiting the campground you are responsible for abiding by all Camp rules and regulations. Non compliance may result in your eviction from the Camp. Should this happen no refunds will be issued. Under no circumstances will SoCal Out Campground  be liable for any loss or damage to any of our guest’s personal property, including their vehicles, jewelry, personal effects or any other valuables including currency.

  • Can I bring my pet?
    There is a pet cleaning fee you must add to your reservation, if you have not already. Pets must be on a leash when out of tent. Pets cannot be left unattended in tent Clean any droppings. Any damage caused by animal may be charged to you. Pets must be quiet during evening and night quiet hours.
  • Where are you located?
    SoCal Out is a Kern River Campground, 8.0 miles north of Kernville and is located at 222 Kern River Highhway, Kernville CA 93238. It is directly across the street from the Corral Creek Lodge and the Corral Creek Campground.
  • Can I cook or have a bonfire?
    Fires are only permitted in your private designated fire pit. Firewood can be purchased at camp. Fire Rules are as follows: Water, metal bucket, and shovel are mandatory. (Non drinking water can be found on any of the hoses or water spigots located in the middle of camp. Fire must be out before turning in. Meaning drown, stir, and the ash must be cold to the touch. For any information on properly putting out a fire visit
  • Can my kids stay in the tent with me?
    We are a family friendly campground but our tents can only hold a certain amount of people comfortably. So our limit is 2 adults 1 child 1 infant.
  • Is there a security/damage deposit?
    A preauthorized damage & noise disturbance deposit may be processed at check in. You are responsible to ensure that your Tent is left in the same shape as when you arrived. Any damaged or lost items (i.e. bedding, pillows, towels,) and/or noise disturbance complaints from neighboring guests will be assessed and charged accordingly. Extra charges will be added for any rental unit needing excessive cleaning. Once the rental unit/room has been inspected and found to be in the same condition as arrival, the credit card information will be released. Please be sure to read our Terms & Conditions page for more info.
  • Will I be able to dispose of my trash?
    We have ample trash receptacles. Trash must be bagged and disposed in proper facilities. Please follow Leave No Trace Principles while at our campground and anywhere during your stay on the Kern.
  • Are there smoking areas?
    Smoking is strictly forbidden inside all Tents. If smoking is evident in any of the rental units/rooms an automatic $100.00 smoking related cleaning fee will be applied to your account.
  • Are there bugs/wild life?
    Bears: We have not seen any this season but locking up food and coolers is strongly recommended as there are other snack seekers ;) Bugs: It is mother nature so depending on the time of year different insects will visit. Please use any insect repellent if you are concerned. Thankfully, despite our location on the bank of a river, mosquitos have not been a notable issue.
  • Are there quiet hours?
    No excessive noise between the hours of 8:00 pm and 8:00 am. Please keep voices down and turn off amplified music that can be heard outside of your unit. We are located next to Forestry campgrounds and are not always able to address the noise curfew but do our best on holidays or busy times of year to keep noise levels tolerable.
  • Will there be some one at camp to greet me?
    On the day of arrival we will send you a text message of your tent numbers, address and camp map. Our host lives on-site and can be reached for assistance during 8pm-8am. During other hours, they can be reached for emergency assistance ONLY.
  • What is the weather like?
    Our campground is in the outdoors! So we do not control the weather. During the summer month's, it is recommended to take a dip in the river to cool off. The Mighty Kern is just steps away from your tent! During the winter month's, we will have fire pits and warmers inside your tent for comfort.
  • Can I request a certain tent? Can I request that my tent be next to my friends' and families'?
    We try our best to accommodate tent number request however we are unable to guarantee specific sites.
  • Is there WiFi?
    Our camp ground does offer WiFi. passcode is kernriver Due to location and data availability, it can sometimes be spotty so please come prepared to unplug as much as possible. We are working to get you the best internet access possible for this location!
  • River rules!
    Pack it in, pack it out No Glass No Littering No toilet trash. We have a restroom for a reason Everyone must be out of water by dark
  • What is your emergency evacuation plan?
    The information contained in this Emergency Evacuation and Response Plan has been provided as a general guide to logical and safe steps to take in the event of an emergency at SoCal Out Campground. This plan is intended to assist our guests in possible emergency situations that may arise while residing the campground. Safety is our number one priority. Please remember to act wisely and in all cases maintain your personal safety and the personal safety of your family and guests while on site. For all emergencies, you may contact the Campground Manager at (760) 440-7721 or call 911. If you dial 911, be sure to remain calm and provide the dispatcher with all pertinent information. Be sure to include your name, location, site number, the nature of the emergency, type of injury, number of injured, and any other information which you may be requested to provide. Do not hang up until instructed to do so by the Dispatcher. Please note, the Campground & Management Staff are not responsible for physically evacuating residents or guests from their on site locations nor are they responsible for providing any materials or services during an emergency. Please do not block the roadway when entering or exiting the facility. If Emergency Vehicles are incoming, please pull to the side of roadway and allow the vehicle(s) to pass. Please ONLY use the designated roadway to evacuate the beach and campground areas. Maintain personal safety at all times!
  • What environmental hazards exist (e.g., exposure, flash flood, avalanche, weather, fauna, terrain)? How will these hazards be managed during the proposed activity?"
    Fire: Get everyone safely away from the source of the fire immediately Call 911 or the Fire Department, then call the park office (760)440-7722 or (760)440-7721 and: 1. Give: your name, telephone number you are calling from, park address, space number where the fire is and any helpful directions. 2. Describe the type/nature of the fire (gas, wood, chemical, electrical). 3. State that the fire is in a campground and report any known injuries. Stay on the line and allow the person you contacted to end the call. 4. Make sure all guests have left the affected structure and immediately let the fire department personnel know if any disabled person(s) or anyone not accounted for and may still be in the structure. 5. Never go back into a burning structure. 6. Should your clothing catch fire: first drop…then roll. Never run. If a rug or blanket is handy, roll yourself up in it until the fire is out. Flood: Campground Management is usually notified at least 24 hours in advance of potential storms or high water conditions as a result of heavy rain instances. All campers and guests onsite will be notified if there is a possibility of high water conditions as soon as possible. Items you should know in the event of a flood. Know the elevation of your location in relation to nearby streams, rivers, and lakes. Have several escape routes planned. The National Weather Service continuously broadcasts updated weather conditions, warnings and forecasts on National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather radios. A NOAA radio may be purchased at radio or electronic stores. Local broadcast stations transmit Emergency Alert System messages which may be heard on standard radios. When rising water threatens, move to higher ground. If one escape route is not passable do not waste any time - try another route or back track to higher ground. Use travel routes specified by local officials. Never drive through flooded roadways. Do not bypass or go around barricades. Wear life preservers if possible. Earthquake: If you are outdoors: Find an open area and remain there until the earthquake stops. Stay away from power poles and electrical lines, tall buildings, bridges, brick or block walls, underpasses and trees. Listen to a self contained (battery operated) radio for emergency instructions. Confine and secure all pets so they will not hamper emergency service employees in the performance of their duties. Aftershocks may occur, so be prepared. If emergency assistance is needed call 911.
  • What other hazards are inherent to the activity? How will they be managed?
    Be aware that any recreational areas involve many inherent risks, including but not limited to changing weather conditions, equipment failure, collision with objects/people and failure to use facilities in a safe and prudent manner, within one's abilities, may cause injury or death. All guests and visitors using SoCal Out Campground facilities do so at their own risk.
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